If you are like me, you want to be in the driver’s seat of your life. You know, deciding which direction the vehicle will head, with both hands on the steering wheel. Actually, one hand on the steering wheel and one out the window, cuz come on, we don’t want to take life too seriously (this is a metaphor, please don’t think I’m saying that we should not drive safe). But honestly, we want to feel like we are capable and free to choose our path. I want you to know you have the power within you, to restore that sense of control in your life!

The Wrong Kind of Control

Often times, we sabotage our lives, with control. Not the good kind of control either. The control I believe poisons our world is the one where we attempt to keep things the same in order to know our future will be the same or try to prevent harm from happening. This creates a sense of security.

It feels like we have a warm blanket wrapped around us and our mother is telling us everything will be okay. But this control (keeping things the same) is not the one you want to attain.

It is an illusion to believe we can control the future. You ultimately are resisting and manipulating your present life, with an array of beliefs, emotions, and actions. Of course, most of the time, we are doing this unconsciously. Why would we sabotage change that could be for the better?

Shift How You Perceive Control

Imagine you are swimming down a river.
There is a current – going one way. You can try to swim back up it. You may even be able to, but it will only exhaust you because the river is always moving forward.

Accepting this forward motion, you realize you can do certain things to move from one area of the river to the other while moving forward. Ahhh this is what I can control, runs through your head.

Your sense of relief and peace is shattered though with a voice you know oh too well – worry. Where will this river take me, you wonder? Will it lead to a deadly waterfall? Will it pour me into a raging sea? It consumes you, and you begin to panic. Your breath now becomes shallow, and you fear you may drown, right here right now.

A voice emerges and reminds you, you can’t predict what will come down the river, you must trust in yourself that you will be able to handle it when it comes.

Look at what worrying is doing to you; you may kill yourself from it. You take a deep breath and come back to where you are at now. The birds are chirping in the overhanging tree above you. You begin to laugh because you don’t have it that bad. There is peace in the river’s motion.

You start to sing, and a few seconds later you have a consecrating aha moment. By deciding to accept where I am right now and deciding to make the most of it, I am ultimately choosing my future one moment at a time.

control in raging water, woman's hand above water

We cannot control life, or even our life for that matter. We are not God or magicians. What we can do is align ourselves and our life with specific energy and desired outcomes.

What we can control is ourselves. The feelings we hold, the stories we tell ourselves, and the actions we take every day are what we are in charge of.

Let Go of Security and the Need to Feel Safe

Like I said above security is an illusion. When we let go of trying to feel safe all the time, we can replace it with deeply knowing and feeling we can take life as it comes.

Learn Who You Are

It is a journey of transformation – claiming your inherent power as a conscious, capable human being. It takes looking at your weaknesses and your strengths, your shadows and your light.

When you begin to know yourself, with all your polarities, through experience, you will become resilient and grounded. No one or nothing can throw you off your axel. Sure people and events can jerk you a bit, but you’re grounded. This is power.

the universe is guiding you, shooting star is a sign, you are in control

5 Positive Beliefs That Will Keep You in the Driver’s Seat 

  1. Choose Love over Fear
    Whenever you notice a fearful story running in your mind, inciting strong emotions, remind yourself you don’t have to believe your mind. Fear is a surviving mechanism our brain uses, but most of the time we are not in any real danger. So when you are not in physical danger, decide to invite love into the story.
  2. You can control how you show up in each moment
    How you show up in any given circumstance can affect the situation drastically. Have you ever heard E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome)? I remember this from reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield years ago, and it stuck! This reminds us that our presence is everything and how we show up can affect the outcome! 
  3. There is only one you
    There is only one you in this whole world, with all your desires, feelings, and skills. Your path will look and feel different than everyone else’s. Knowing this, you can tune into yourself for guidance because there is not another you. Who would know what this one life should do more than you?
  4. What other’s think of you is none of your business
    Every person sees other people through their own lens. These different lenses can be biased, tainted, backed by beliefs that are totally different than yours. When you are staying true to your core beliefs and following your heart, and know other’s will see things differently, if they criticize or even appreciate you it will not throw you off balance.
  5. The Universe Has Your Back
    “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe” -Albert Einstein. When we believe the universe is a friendly place, we then can let a lot of our fears go. Whatever you believe to be a higher power, whether it be God, the source, multiple gods/energies, turn to it for guidance. If it is a friendly place, then it can assist you in your life.

much love,
kristina ann