This is part seven of the Women Who Dare to Be Wild series, the last post in this one! I cherish this series because the wild woman archetype opened up my life. By letting her free within myself, accepting her wisdom and cycles, I feel grounded in my encounters. I hope you can hear the call to rise within your heart and soul, to take the leap into open waters and come back home to your deepest drives. The journey with the wild woman is one that will restore balance in your life.

To live your best life, you must journey within yourself. Ask the tough questions, and listen to what your inner voice is telling you. An easy way to do this (that anyone can do) is through journaling. This assists you in listening to your inner voice, your wise voice. As you do this, you will begin to differentiate what you want from what society believes you should want. You will start to hear your own desires from your heart and soul.  With the attributes of the wild here, you can observe your life through a different lens and begin to integrate holistic beliefs into your everyday life.

Ground Yourself

As you embark on this journey remember your truths, remember what grounds you in your world. When I say your truths, I am talking about faith. What do you believe in your bones? What gets you through your darkest days? What did your mother, your father, your grandmother, your childhood hero say to you when you were feeling down?

Truths I keep dear when I’m going through change:

❤    I am capable of figuring out anything as it comes up
❤    There is a higher power which is on my side
❤    We each have our own journeys to walk, and each one is different
❤    I am unique in the most wonderful of ways
❤    I am not less than or better than anyone else
❤    This too shall pass
❤    There is beauty in this, find it
❤    I am a resilient badass warrior
❤    I have people in my life who I can call, see, etc. (even if I don’t stay in contact with them)

Life can get bumpy when we decide to make changes, especially ones where we are changing ourselves. But these are the best kinds of rides. These rides are when you truly feel alive, when you begin to feel authentic. So recall those truths, keep them close to your heart, and hold on for this is life and it’s a wild ride.


diving into water

Let Go & Dive In

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not rainbows and butterflies all the time. You will feel things we, often times, try to avoid feeling. You will rub right up against voices (little gremlins) that whisper awful things to you.

Have you ever heard of the idea that as adults we don’t need other people telling us how to act or how to be anymore because we have internalized all the domestication since we were young? This is where the voices come from!

We must go up against who we use to be (this includes the influencers we have had in our lives) to become the next version of ourselves. This can happen in slight adjustments, or it can feel like we have shattered into many pieces causing us to fully break, requiring us to rebuild our sense of self into a completely different build.

Let go of needing to be in control and feeling secure. These are overrated. A state of vulnerability is where we grow. Vulnerability has such a bad rep. If you haven’t listened to Brene Brown’s TED talk on the subject, go do so now. In this state we are following our hearts, we are creating a new world, a new us.


“We must practice magic – the art of changing consciousness at will.” -Starhawk



man with torch adventuring into ancient ruins

Journey On

It can be a fun, adventurous endeavor as you become more wild at heart and relish in the feminine attributes of yourself and the life around you.  We all long for a different way of being where there is balance in ourselves. This can be possible. Your racing mind can settle, and you can begin to play with life. You can dance to your feelings. You can flow with the currents. You can remember you are connected with everyone and everything around you. Open yourself to life, and it will show you its magic.

The journey with the Wild Woman though, it not your only one. We each embark on many journeys, many cycles that bring us closer to our best self.

Interested in learning more about a journey’s cycle, check out this short video on Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, this article all about the heroine’s journey, this interesting article on a change curve, and another motivational post on why we need journeys!

Journey Quote with woman on train


Books that inspired me to write this series:

  • Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D
  • The Fire and the Rose by Bud Harris, Ph.D
  • Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde
  • Wild Creative by Tami Lynn Kent
  • If Women Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie
  • The Soul’s Code by James Hillman
  • Decolonizing Methodologies by Linda Tuhiwai Smith
  • Truth or Dare by Starhawk
  • Dreaming The Dark by Starhawk
  • Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell

Check out the previous posts in this series here! No need to worry about reading them in order, they can flow read backwards and mixed up.

Much Love,